You can use SJAHI online admission enrollment service by clicking here or visit our institute to enroll for admission.
Click here to view the conditions.
SJAHI admission processes steps are : Enroll yourself via online registration. Pass Admission Tests. Appears for the personal interview. Undergo Medical Checkup. Attend the orientation week
You can access the institute information by clicking here
SJAHI offers guaranteed job at JADIK partner companies
JADIK partner companies support SJAHI by paying training cost and monthly stipend to student in cooperation with HRDF
You can check your admission status at "Admission Status Service".
Yes, we have an excellent Dormitory with extensive facilities.
Yes, students can keep their personal regular items, also student can keep a small fridge in his room.
Yes, for more details you can check our Dormitory website page
SJAHI is regularly maintaining Dormitory via: Electricity Maintenance Washroom Maintenance Air conditioning Maintenance Scheduled Pesticides Sprayed within the Building Building Repairing Schedule Jobs. Other Related Jobs
Yes, All Dormitory students, must follow the below rules: Student must return to his room before 10:00 PM. Student must not be in his room during class timings. Student will not be allowed to smoke in rooms or in non-smoking areas. Student should cooperate with other students & dormitory staff members.
You can fill up the form and submit to Dormitory Supervisor to reserve the SJAHI Dormitory Room
SJAHI offers 2 kinds of Dormitory room Single Bed Double Bed For rent details and facilities please visit Dormitory website page
SJAHI experts are always their to help you, you can contact us by following ways: Contact Form Visit Us Live Chat Program